If any of you were reading last year you may remember an interesting coincidence involving a fortune cookie. I am not one to read too much into things, but it would seem that yet another generic fortune cookie has somewhat poignant connotations for my life.
The fortune read:
Your ambitious nature will help you make a name for yourself.
On the reverse side were two Chinese characters, and
with pronunciation next to each. The characters
pronounced dà i and
pronounced fu. Together these characters form the word for doctor.
I readily admit that this there’s nothing on the little strip of paper that couldn’t mean a thousand different things to a thousand different people. Fortunes are intentionally written this way so as to be meaningful to a broad range of people. The language lesson on the back was similarly generic and could have easily been plucked at random from the vocabulary lists of any elementary foreign language primer.
The relevance of the words are more about my reading into the message rather than some mystical force working it’s magic on the cookies to ensure this fortune got into my hands. I’m creating the meaning, and I was able to find quite a bit inside this cookie.
For those of you who don’t understand what I’m talking about, please check back in a few weeks as I’m sure I will have much more to say on this topic. If this fortune is any indicator, good things may be on the horizon.
oh man!! The anticipation is killing me!!!! A total Blog Cliffhanger!